Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Best of 2010. According to me.

You can go ahead and skip the Academy Awards show this year. If I didn’t hand out the awards, they don’t count. 2010 was a decent year for cinema. I must inform my readers that I didn’t see a handful of movies, so this is the best of 2010 from what I saw.
Best movie: Inception
The Obama of movies. Only one movie was so hyped up and still lived up to high expectations.
Other nominees:
Scott Pilgrim VS The World.
Toy Story 3.

Worst movie: (TIE) Vampires Suck and Furry Vengeance
These two are so bad. You don’t even need to see them to know these two are gonna suck.

Most progress: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
This man has made a lot of progress since he left 3rd Rock from the Sun.

Best Actor you never heard of: Kieran Culkin
Scott Pilgrim VS The World is a very well-cast movie and Culkin manages to steal every scene he’s in. That’s saying a lot.

Best Actress you never heard of: Chloë Moretz
Most of you anyway. Her performance in Kick-Ass is dazzling. I believe she can rip off Abigail Breslin’s head off in a fight.

Most Exciting Movie: Scott Pilgrim VS The World
Bound to be a cult classic. Maybe next year it will be. This movie thrills and amazes, and yet, never found an audience. It’s not Oscar worthy, and typical drama movies will steal the Oscars, but Edgar Wright made things fun.

Dumbest Idea for a movie: Piranha 3D
The title says it all.

Best Direct-to-video: El Infierno. Written and directed by Luis Estrada.

Best Special Effects: Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Best Editing: Inception

Best Sound Effects: Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Coolest title for a movie: Kick-Ass

Coolest Director: Christopher Nolan

Like I said, those are all the movies I saw in 2010. And I gave them the awards that they deserve. I can't of other awards to hand out, so I'll leave it at this. Dissident is not allowed here.


  1. Inception, Scott Pilgrim and Kick Ass steal the year. Do we still need heroes, Michi?

  2. I have yet to see Scott Pilgrim, but other than that, those are some pretty awesome best movies. Good choices.

